Minutes of the last meeting

Adair’s Mill Property Owners Association
P.O. Box 953 Cleveland, GA. 30528
March 3, 2013
The annual meeting of the AMPOA, Inc. and Property Owners’ Committee established
by the Protective Covenants met on Sunday, March 3, 2013 at Larry Bailey’s.
Property owners signed in and provided proxies to the secretary, 44 of a possible 85 lots
were represented. There was a quorum.
· Danny Rice presided over the meeting.
· Danny Rice thanked Mr. and Mrs. Bailey for the use of their hospitality.
· A motion was made by Gary Esler to dispense with reading of the minutes from
the March 4, 2012 annual meeting. The motion was seconded and approved.
· Treasurers Report given by Mitchelle Johnson in which she provided income and
expenses from the years 2009, 2010, 2011,2012 and to date of 2-28-2013. A
balance of $24,863.11was reported as 2-28-2013. Liens were filled eight
properties for a total of 7 liens. Two of the liens are in foreclosure making the
likely hood of collecting slim. A motion was made by Hugh Rockett to accept the
treasures report. The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
· Danny Rice recognized the decorating committee. All agreed that the
neighborhood was enhanced by the directions during the holidays. Doris Bailey
spoke an asked if anyone was interested in a garden club. A sign up sheet was
placed at the front table for those interested. The garden club could provide more
input for future projects for the decorating and landscaping.
· Danny Rice thanked the sign committee. Also Ann Hadwin was thanked for
reviewing our insurance policy.
· Judith Rice had asked for input last year for a neighborhood directory and if
anyone wanted a copy she had some available.
· Status of high speed internet was present by Hugh Rockett. He stated that funds
were no longer available to Georgia, thus we needed to keep with the status quo.
· A motion was made by Hugh Rockett to continue the $2000.00 line item budget
for the Improvement/Decorating Committee. It was second and approved
· A description of the role of the past president was incorrect and a motion was
made to correct it to read the Vice President will preside in the event the President
is unable as opposed to the Past President. Gary Esler made the motion and it was
seconded and passed unanimously.
· Danny Rice presented the slate of officers for next year: John Jordan President,
Hugh Rockett Vice President, Pat Hazelrigs Treasurer, Ginny Ferrentino as
Secretary. Asked for nominations from the floor for the positions of VP,
Treasurer and Secretary. No additional nominations were made. Larry Bailey
made a motion to elect Hugh Rockett as Vice President, it was seconded and
passed unanimously. Michelle Johnson made a motion to elect Pat Hazelrigs as
Treasurer, it was seconded and passed unanimously. Bonnie Petras made a
motion to elect Ginny Ferrentino as Secretary it was seconded and passed
· It was noted that the position of Treasure would be for two years, while the
position for Secretary was for one year in order to be consistent with an
alternating years for replacing board members. Next year the secretary can be
elected for a two year period and a Vice President will be elected.
· A discussion of the status of zoning in White County ensured.
· All new officers had an opportunity to introduce themselves to the membership.
· Peter Taylor spoke about concerns of people running stop signs in front of his
house and the need for speed bumps. A discussion about the existing stop signs
and the placement of these signs. The new board agreed to review safety issues as
it applies to the intersection of Gold Flume and Mill Creek Trail.
· Gary Esler, Jerry Hazelrigs, and Jimmy Justice members of the road committee
provided an update and plans for paving in the future. This year .6 of a mile was
paved on Gold Flume and two patches of road. What still needs to be paved is the
remainder of Gold Flume and Mill Trace Court and the intersection with Mill
Creek Trail. The plan is to wait an additional year in order to have the funds to
complete the paving in 2014.
· Peter Taylor, Jerry Hazelrigs, and Gary Esler will be on the paving committee for
this year.
· The meeting adjourned at 3:10 PM.
Bonnie Petras, Secretary AMPOA
John Jordan, President
Hugh Rockett, Vice President
Pat Hazelrigs, Treasurer
Virginia Ferrentino, Secretary

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Annual Meeting - March 3, 2013
Attendees = 28
Proxies = 16
Total = 44 Quorum Met
Barks, Dan & Mary 1
Bailey, Larry & Doris 2 Callahan, John 1
Bartik, Tom & Renee 1 Denton, Jeremiah & Sunni 1
Combs, Vernon & Alma 1 Fitzgerald, Ricky 1
Dalton, Calvin 1 Fussell, William 2
Dalton, Calvin 2nd 3 Hale, Marty & Cathy 1
Dye, Kendrick 2 Harris, Marylou 2
Esler, Gary & Lucy 1 Heter, Carl & Sandra 1
Ferrentino, Fred & Virginia 2 Holbrook, James & Sheila 1
Futch, Keith & Kim 1 Rodovich, Charles & Patricia 1
Hazelrigs, Jerry & Pat 1 Swofford, Robert & Catherine 1
(Swofford, Allen)
Hill, Robert & Pam 1 Swofford, Tony & Anna 1
(Swofford, Allen)
Hunter, Charles 1 Wilkerson, Ronny & Lisa Christine 1
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Johnson, Johnny & Michelle 1
Jordan, John & Peggy 1
Justus, Jimmy & Janice 1
Long, Fred & Shelly 1
Miller, Bart & Carolyn 1
Petras, Bonnie 1
Rice, Walter & Judith 1
Rockett, Hugh & Bonnie 1
Swafford, Allen & Linda 2
Taylor, Peter & Brenda 1

YTD 2/28/13 Jan – Dec 12 Jan - Dec 11 Jan - Dec 10 Jan-Dec 09
Ordinary Income/Expense
Association Dues $51,750.00 $40,403.03 $35,900.00 $22,400.00
Late Fees 189.00
Income from Operations 51,939.00 40,403.03 35,900.00 22,400.00
Bank fees 12.00 60.00 34.00
GA corporate annual registration 50.00 75.00 55.00 55.00
Improvements and decorations 155.90 1626.06
Insurance Expense 1873.00 1,810.90 3,000.00 910.00
Lien Processing Expense 58.47
Miscellaneous Expense 60.00 259.31 200.00 356.00
Office Supplies 159.08 132.00 371.16 81.04
P.O. Box Rental 44.00 44.00 44.00 44.00 42.00
Postage and Delivery 45.00 132.00 44.00
Professional Fees – Legal 437.50
Power at Entrance 252.82
Road Repairs and Maintenance 56,690.00 65,840.09 6,705.51 10,983.86
Small Tools and Equipment 50.00 270.00
Taxes 46.00 30.22 80.22 46.00 273.13
Telephone Expense 230.00
Total Expense 510.72 61,183.33 68,637.52 10,735.67 12,701.03
Net Ordinary Income -9,244.33 -28,234.49 25,164.33 9,698.97
Interest Income 227.97 80.28 87.57 188.25
Net Income (Loss) $(510.72) $(9,016.36) $(28,154.21) $25,251.90 $9,887.22

Cash, Beginning of year $25,373.83 $35,040.19 $62,544.40 $37,292.50 $27,405.28
Net Income (Loss) -510.72 -9,016.36 (28,154.21) 25,251.90 9,887.22
Advance Dues Received (650.00) 650.00
Cash (and CD), End of period $24,863.11 $25,373.83 $35,040.19 $62,544.40 $37,292.50

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